I have been meaning to do this tag for awhile so here it goes....
*What is your current obsession? Getting stuff ready to move into my new house and wondering how I will decorate each room.
*What do you hate (or dislike) the most that everyone else seems to love? High-heel shoes (okay most guys probably don't like these either....) For some reason I am so clumsy with them on! I like the way they look just not the way they feel when I wear them! Although I've always wanted some sexy red high heels for fun! Someday if I get enough practice walking with some on then maybe I'll wear them out in public!
*What's for dinner? Stuffed Green Peppers, salad and fruit! One of my fav's
*What would you eat for your last meal? Something italian
*What was the last thing you bought? milk - we go through a lot!
*What are you listening to right now? Avery coloring on one of the boxes that we just packed.
*What do you think of the person who tagged you? Well, where do I even start?! Lindsay is amazing and so fun to be around! I love how she loves my girls and how they love her back! She is so thoughtful and always makes me feel loved and would do anything for me and my family! We love you Linds (and Ronnie!)
*If you could have a house fully paid for and totally furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere tropical so that I could vacation there anytime!
*If you could go anywhere for the next hour, where would it be? Somewhere outside - maybe on a hike or a walk on the beach.
*What is one of your hobbies? I love to read.
*What are three things that annoy you most? When people don't take care of their children (like leaving them in the car to run into the store when it is hot outside...), a messy unorganized house - but only my own (I could care less if it was someone else's house), and rap music.
*What is your favorite color? it depends on the day...today it is purple
*What is your favorite item of clothing in your wardrobe? my cotton capris = so comfy
*What is your favorite fruit? Pineapple
*What inspires you? Music.... I've always wanted to be a great piano player and I am slowly fulfilling that dream and realizing how healing and inspiring it is to not only me, but my family as well!
*Who was the last person you kissed? Stevie - he had to go back to work from his lunch break.
*What are you currently reading? The Storm Testament Series
*What delighted you the most today? Watching Avery dance and sing at the top of her lungs in the dollar store while Megan giggled!
I tag...
Brie, Jennie, Mom, Ashley, Becky, Marie, and anyone else who has the time to do it!